The Bonin Islands:
Transcriptions of selected published accounts 1727 — 1920
1727 - Kaempfer - History of Japan
The History of Japan, giving an Account of the ancient and present State and Government of that Empire; ... and of their Trade and Commerce with the Dutch and Chinese. Together with a Description of the Kingdom of Siam....
De beschryving van Japan, behelsende een verhaal van den ouden en tegenwoordigen staat en regeering van dat ryk ... en van hunnen koophandel met de Nederlanders en de Chineesen. Benevens eene beschryving van het koningryk Siam....
English and Dutch
1727 & 1729.
Kaempfer's short account of the island of Bunesima is the first that associates a name with the Bonin or Ogasawara islands.
1734 - Bueno - Navegacion especulativa y practica
Navegacion especulativa, y practica, ....
Compuesta por el Almirante D. Ioseph Gonzalez Cabrera Bueno, Piloto mayor de la Carrera de Philipinas, y Natural de la Isla de Tenerife una de las Canarias.
Manilla: 1734.
Bueno's tables identify the approximate location of the Islas del Arzobispo – one of the earliest references to what is now known as the Bonin or Ogasawara Islands.
1817 - Burney - ... Doubtful islands
A chronological history of the voyages' and discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean.
Volume V. – To the Year 1764.
By James Burney, F.R.S., Captain in the Royal Navy.
London: 1817.
Burney identifies as "doubtful" the Islas del Arzobispo and other islands in the vicinity, shown in Bueno's tables but not in Anson's chart.
1817 - J. P. Abel-Rémusat - Journal des Savans
"Description d'un Groupe d'Îles peu connu et situé entre le Japon et les îles Mariannes, rédigée d'aprés les relations des Japonais".
French. 1817
After Kaempfer, Rémusat was the first to identify by name the group of islands that were to become known as the Bonins (Ogasawara Gunto in Japanese) and at the time, were not known to the world. Abel-Rémusat summarizes an 1785 Japanese publication brought to Europe by Isaac Titsingh. Rémusat's map which appeared in the Journal des Savants article is not included as no complete digital copy has been found in the several online versions of the Journal des Savans that are currently available.
1818 - Remusat - Asiatic Journal
"Description of an almost unknown groupe of islands situated between Japan and the Marianne Islands."
[Compiled from Japanese Accounts by M. Abel Remusat, M. D, Member of the French Institute and Professor of the Chinese and Mandchu Tartar Languages in the Royal College of France.]
Asiatic Journal, March 1818, pp.227-233.
An English translation of the article from the Journal des Savans, July 1817.
1818 - Remusat - Annual Register
Description of an almost unknown groupe of islands situated between Japan and the Marianne Islands.
[Compiled from Japanese Accounts by M. Abel Remusat, M. D, Member of the French Institute and Professor of the Chinese and Mandchu Tartar Languages in the Royal College of France.]
Annual Register ... For the Year 1818, pp.588-596.
A reprint of the March 1818 article in the Asiatic Journal
1820 - Remusat - Boston Intelligencer & Evening Gazette
"Description of an almost unknown groupe of Islands, situate between Japan and the Marianne Islands."
Boston Intelligencer & Evening Gazette,
September 30, 1820
A summary of Remusat's 1817 article — probably from the Annual Register of 1818. This is the only instance yet found of Remusat's article being published in an American book or newspaper.
1825 - Klaproth - Journal Asiatique
Description des îles Mou nin sima, c'est-à-dire des îles inhabitées, traduite de l'ouvrage japonais intitulé San kokf tsu ran, imprimé à Yedo en 1785.
Journal Asiatique, October 1825,p.243-250
Remusat's 1817 article was based on the 1785 Japanese publication San kokf tsu ran but it was almost ten years before Klaproth offered a complete translation. In 1832 Klaproth published a revised translation (see below).
1826 - Klaproth - Description des Iles Mou Nin Sima
Description des îles Mou nin sima, c'est-à-dire des îles inhabitées, traduite de l'ouvrage japonais intitulé San kokf tsu ran, imprimé à Yedo en 1785.
Memoires relatifs a l'Asie. Vol. 2 1826,p.190-199
Klaproth republished his article of 1825 with some changes — mainly orthographical with respect to the transliteration of the Japanese.
1827 - Coffin - Nantucket Inquirer
"Newly Discovered Islands."
Nantucket Inquirer,
November 10, 1827, p.2
Account of Captain James J. Coffin's discovery of the southern island group of the Bonins on September 12, 1824, while in command of the whale ship Transit of Bristol, England. The island or island group is noted by latitude and longitude and the indication that it was "not laid down on [Coffin's] chart".
Within a month, this article was republished — generally with the heading "From the Nantucket Inquirer" — in many American newspapers, including the following:
Commercial Advertiser - New York, NY (11/15/1827)
Baltimore Gazette And Daily Advertiser - MD (11/17/1827)
Connecticut Herald - New Haven, CT (11/20/1827)
New-York Spectator - New York, NY (11/20/1827)
Providence Patriot & Columbian Phenix - RI (11/21/1827)
Republican Farmer - Bridgeport, CT (11/21/1827)
Watch-Tower - Cooperstown, NY (11/26/1827)
Canal of Intelligence - Norwich, CT (11/28/1827)
Middlesex Gazette - Middletown, CT (11/28/1827)
Daily Georgian - Savannah, GA (12/04/1827)
Reservoir and Public Reflector - Frederick, MD (12/04/1827)
Norwich Courier - Norwich, CT (12/05/1827)
Olive Branch - NY (Nov. 1827}
1828 - Reynolds - Islands
"Voyage of Exploration."
Nantucket Inquirer,
March 22, 1828, p.2
The Nantucket Inquirer's account of Pacific islands, reefs and shoals not marked or inappropriately marked on contemporary charts. This information was given to Jeremiah Reynolds who ultimately convinced Congress to authorize the Exploring Expedition to the Pacific (1838-1842) under the command of Lieutenant Charles Wilkes.
Captain James J. Coffin's August 1825 visit to the middle and northern-most island groups of the Bonin's is featured. The islands have no names known to Nantucket whalers and other seamen at the time of publication.
1828 - Lutke - Voyage autour du monde
Voyage autour du monde, execute par ordre de Sa Majeste l'empereur Nicolas 1er, sur la corvette le Seniavine, dans les annees 1826, 1827, 1828 et 1829, par Frederic Lutke ...
Frederic Lutke, commanding the Russian corvette Seniavine, visited the Bonin Islands in May 1828 while on his four-year voyage of discovery. He arrived almost a year after the prior visit of Captain Beechey in H.M.S. Blossom. The two Europeans from the shipwreck of the whale ship William who lived on Peel Island met Lutke and were taken from the the islands at the conclusion of his visit.
1829 - Abel Remusat - Nouveaux Melanges Asiatiques
Description d'un groupe d'isles peu connu et situé entre le Japon et les Iles Mariannes.
Rédigée d'après les relations des Japonais. (1817).
An extensive revision to Abel-Remusat's 1817 article which was published in the July 1817 issue of the Journal des Savans. The revised article appears in a two-volume collection of the author's work.
1831 - Beechey - Narrative of a Voyage
Chapter VI. [Bonin Islands]
Narrative of a Voyage to the Pacific and Beering's Strait ... in the years 1825, 26, 27, 28.
Vol. II.
by Captain F. W. Beechey, R.N.
Captain Frederick Beechey, commander of H.M.S. Blossom, is generally regarded as the modern discoverer of the Bonin Islands. The Arrowsmith charts used by Beechey included a group of islands called the Bonin Isles that had been placed on these maps in 1823 based on the work of Remusat. Beechey claimed the islands for Great Britain and named the islands of the middle cluster. Beechey did not visit the southern or northern group of islands. Because the group corresponded to the Yslas del Arzobispo that had been noted in an old Spanish pubication from Manilla with the title Navigacion Especulativa y Practica, he retained this as a parallel name for the overall group of islands.
1832 - Hayashi Shihei/Klaproth - San kokf tsou ran to sets
San kokf tsou ran to sets, ou Aperçu général des trois royaumes,
traduit de l?original
par Mr. J. Klaproth.
Paris: Printed for the Oriental Translation Fund of
Great Britain and Ireland.
Probably the definitive translation and publication of the the 1786 work by Hayashi Shihei ("Rinsifée") – Aperçu général des trois royaumes. It was published in Paris in 1832 with five tinted, well-engraved maps. In his introduction Klaproth notes:
"As for the description of the Mou nin sima (Bonin Sima) or uninhabited islands which I had already given an extract in the second volume of my Mémoires relatifs à l'Asie, it does not seem to agree well with the discoveries of Captain Beechy It is presumed that the island group visited this explorer are not the same as our author has described; however it should not be very far away. One should also not judge the position of the islands from the Japanese map, much less from that of Arrowsmith's Asia, on which they are of enormous magnitude. According to the account published by Rinsifée, the largest of these islands only 15 Japanese ri in circumference, which is about 47 and a half English miles, rather than on the Arrowsmith's map where the circumference is at least 140 miles. While the villages and temples on the Japanese map may no longer exist, and the islands may have been abandoned, it should be known that a Japanese temple in the Sinto faith, is usually a little hut built of planks, as can be seen by the illustrations in Kaempfer's work."
1832 - James - Sandwich and Bonin Islands
The Sandwich and Bonin Islands: A letter to a noble lord, on the importance of settling the Sandwich & Bonin Islands, in the North Pacific Ocean, on the plan of a proprietary government; together with hints on the probability, in that case, of introducing British manufactures into the great Empire of Japan.
By T. Horton James, Esq.
This pamphlet deals primarily with the Sandwich Islands (Hawaiian Islands). The Bonin Islands are discussed only in passing. The small colony of Europeans and Sandwich Islanders which was established in 1830 is mentioned.
1834 - Metropolitan magazine - Colonizing the Sandwich and Bonins Islands
"The necessity of colonizing the Sandwich and Bonins Islands."
The Metropolitan Magazine, June 1834.
This article expands on the argument of T. Horton James in 1832 that the Sandwich and Bonin Islands should be colonized by Great Britain. The author pays special attention to the strategic imporance of these two island groups and suggests ways in which they might be settled and fortified. He suggests that among candidates for settling the islands the Pitcairn Islanders, natives of New Zealand, and the Chinese should be considered.
1835 - Chinese Repository
"The Bonin Islands: their situation, productions, &c., as noticed by the Japanese in 1675, and subsequently; by Captain Beechey in 1827; more recently by a correspondent of the London Metropolitan; and in August, 1834, by Mr. Edwards."
The Chinese Repository,
Vol. 3, No. 3 (March, 1835).
1835 - Worth - Bonin Islands - Nantucket Inquirer
"Bonin Islands"
An article from the: Nantucket Inquirer
May 16, 1835, p.2
This is the first instance that the name "Bonin Islands" has been found in the Nantucket Inquirer. The Bonin Islands – identified as "North Island" and "South Island" – are described as a good place for whale ships to obtain wood, water, fresh vegetables, yams, corn, melons, hogs, and green turtle. The colony of Europeans and Sandwich Islanders is said to be between twenty and twenty-five men and women.
Captain William Worth 2d, master of the Nantucket ship Howard, supplied this information to the newspaper. The Howard visited the Bonin Islands April 25 through June 8, 1834.
The Nantucket Inquirer article was reproduced in the New Bedford Mercury (May 22, 1835) and in the October 1835 issue of Sailor's Magazine and Naval Journal (v.8, no. 86, p.56).
1836 - Norie - Nautical tables.
"Latitudes and Longitudes. — XXI. Islands, Rocks, and Shoals in the North Pacific Ocean." [extract]
A Complete Set of Nautical tables ...
London: J. W. Norie, 1836
1837 - Quin - Remarks
Remarks on Peel Island, Bonin Groupe, situated in Lat. 27 5' 35" N., Long. 142 11' 30" E., August 9, 1837.
Correspondence Relating to China.
London, 1840, pp.218-222.
1837 - Lay - Occupation of the Bonin Islands.
Trade with China. A Letter Addressed to the British Public on some of the Advantages that would Result from an Occupation of the Bonin Islands.
By G. Tradescant Lay,
London: Royston & Brown, 1837. |
1842 - Alexander Simpson
The Bonin Islands.
in: Alexander Simpson, The Sandwich Islands.
London: Smith, Elder and Co., 1843. pp.124-125
1851 - Collinson - The H.M.S. Enterprise at the Bonins.
Journal of H.M.S. Enterprise: On the Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin's Ships by Behring Strait, 1850-55
By Sir Richard Collinson
Thomas Bernard Collinson (ed.)
[London:] Sampson Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington Limited, 1889
1852 - Collinson - Nautical Magazine
"The Bonin Islands in 1851. ? Port Lloyd."
By Captain R. C. Collinson, commanding H.M.S. Enterprize.
The Nautical Magazine and Naval Chronicle,
Vol. 21, No. 3 (March, 1852)
1853 - Perry - Narrative
Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of Commodore M.C. Perry, United States Navy
By Francis L. Hawks, D.D. L.L.D.
Washington: Beverley Tucker, Senate Printer
1856 - Perry - Taylor report.
"Report upon the exploration of Peel Island."
By Bayard Taylor, Esq.
pp. 65-71
Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy,
Volume II.
(33d Congress, 2d Session - House of Representatives - Ex. Doc. No. 97)
1856 - Perry - Fah's report.
"Report made to Commodore Perry of an exploration of Peel Island."
By Chas. F. Fahs, M.D., Assistant Surgeon U. S. N.
pp. 73-78
Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy,
Volume II.
(33d Congress, 2d Session - House of Representatives - Ex. Doc. No. 97)
1856 - Perry - Abbot report.
"Report of an examination of the Bonin group of islands,"
By Captain Joel Abbot, U. S. N.
pp. 125-133
Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy,
Volume II.
(33d Congress, 2d Session - House of Representatives - Ex. Doc. No. 97)
1856 - Perry - Loss of Matthews and boat crew.
"Account of the loss of Lieutenant John Matthews and boat?s crew, of the United States ship Plymouth."
By Captain John Kelly, U. S. N.
pp. 408-409
Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan performed in the years 1852, 1853, and 1854, under the command of commodore M. C. Perry, United States Navy,
Volume II.
(33d Congress, 2d Session - House of Representatives - Ex. Doc. No. 97)
1859 - Siebold - Geographical and Ethnographical Elucidations.
Extract from:
Geographical and Ethnographical Elucidations to the Discoveries of Maerten Gerritsen Vries, Commander of the Flute Castricum A. D. 1643 in the East and North 0f Japan; To Serve as a Mariner's Guide in the Navigation of the East Coast of Japan, and to Jezo, Krafto, and the Kurils.
By P. F. Von Siebold
Translated from the Dutch by F. M. Cowan
Amsterdam, Frederik Muller, and
London: Trubner & Co., 1859.
1875 - Russell Robertson
"The Bonin Islands."
Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan,
Vol. IV. From 20th October, 1875, TO 12th July, 1876.
(Reprint of the Original Edition) 1888.
1882 - Jones - Consular Reports.
"The Bonin Islands."
By A. C. Jones, Consul, Nagasaki, Japan
Commercial relations of the United States.
Reports from the consuls of the United States on the commerce, manufactures, etc., of their consular districts.
(No. 24. – October, 1882.)
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1882.
pp. 517-529
1891 - Warburg - Bonin Islands.
"The Bonin Islands."
In: Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society and Monthly Record of Geography.
Vol. 13, No. 6 (June 1891)
pp. 369-372.
A summary of Warburg's paper published in the April 11, 1891 number of the Geographical Society of Berlin.
1907 - Seven Isles Of Izu and the Bonin Islands.
"The Seven Isles Of Izu and the Bonin Islands."
A Handbook for Travellers in Japan including the whole Empire from Saghalien to Formosa.
By Basil Hall Chamberlain and W. B. Mason
London: John Murray, 1907. pp. 531-534.
1915 - Cholmondeley - History of the Bonin Islands.
The history of the Bonin Islands from the year 1827 to the year 1876 and of Nathaniel Savory one of the original settlers to which is added a short supplement dealing with the islands after their occupation by the Japanese.
By Lionel Berners Cholmondeley, M.A.
London: Constable & Co. Ltd., 1915
Less a comprehensive history of the Bonin Islands than it is a biography of one of the Americans who helped to establish a colony in the Bonins in 1830 – Nathaniel Savory. Yet, this book provides a unique view of the life of the colony in the 19th century through Savory's correspondence.